6 Types of Students That We Help at Stemly Tutoring

Parents and students typically turn to private tutoring when there are clear signs of struggle in a certain learning area and a noticeable drop in grades. At Stemly Tutoring, we guide and support students that need an extra hand in grasping math and science subjects. But the fact is, there are different types of students that need tutoring, and it’s not always because they need help turning Ds into As.

Low grades and poor test results are sure indications that a child can benefit from virtual tutoring, but these are not the only reasons that encourage parents and students to seek private instruction. In fact, our STEM tutoring experts also work with students who are already getting good grades and excelling in their classes.

To help you decide whether you can benefit from Stemly’s virtual math and science tutoring service, we’ve listed the different types of students that need tutoring and how we help them achieve their goals.

Types of Students That Need Tutoring

What Are the Types of Students That Need Tutoring?

At Stemly, each of our students has different needs that we address and approach in an individualized manner. By recognizing which type of student each of them is—and the unique challenges and goals they have—we are able to create a tutoring plan that ensures they are getting the most out of tutoring. Do you think you fall under one of these types of students?

1. The Prepper

The Prepper is the type of student who likes to plan ahead—whether it’s for college admissions or taking the SATs—and make sure they hit the ground running. They spend a lot of time thinking about which AP classes to take to prepare for their prospective major and what extra-curricular activities can help make their college or university application stand out. They know the importance of laying the groundwork for their academic future as early as possible. Hence, they make sure to ace tests like the SAT or ACT by mastering their subject materials and the necessary study skills.

You may be The Prepper if you:

  • Have been thinking about college and university prospects for as long as you can remember

  • Always conscious of grade averages

  • Have a carefully laid out plan of action for your college applications and major exams

How Stemly Tutoring Helps The Prepper

  • Reinforce study skills and strategies

  • Strengthen understanding of foundational concepts

  • Support in areas of weakness to maintain or improve grade averages and overall academic performance

2. The Struggling STEM Student

It’s no secret that the majority of students find math and science subjects the most challenging, which is why most tutoring students fall under this type. Some students struggle with math or science more than others because of several factors. And more often than not, it’s not because of laziness or a lack of interest.

The Struggling STEM Student often:

  • Struggles to recall facts or concepts

  • Has difficulty internalizing new information

  • Has trouble keeping up with the class/lessons

How Stemly Tutoring Helps The Struggling Student:

  • Focus on strengthening grasp of foundational concepts and skills

  • Meet students at their current skill level and teach at the student’s pace

  • Identify the learning style and root cause of difficulties with the subject

  • Build confidence by ensuring previous material has been mastered before gradually introducing new topics

3. The Underperformer

It can be tricky to identify this type of student because in many cases, their grades show that they’re doing just fine. But that’s where the problem lies. The Underperformer may be getting Cs or even Bs with little to no effort when in reality, they could be at the top of their class if they harnessed their true potential. This may be due to a number of factors, including a lack of motivation and being more invested in personal interests or hobbies.

How to Spot The Underperformer:

  • Avoids situations where he or she needs to lead others

  • Does not actively participate in class nor seek additional learning opportunities

  • Content with simply coasting by and putting in the bare minimum

  • Sets low goals, if at all

How Stemly Tutoring Helps The Underperformer:

  • Set challenging but attainable learning goals

  • Encourage active participation through engaging activities

  • Incorporate the student’s interests in the tutoring session

  • Encourage the student to evaluate their own work and performance, self-review, and be accountable

Different types of students have different tutoring needs and goals.

4. The Unmotivated Student

Lacking the motivation to excel or perform well in class is an issue that many students often face. As important as motivation is for one to succeed in school, it is rarely constant. Not all students can sustain focus and motivation without making an effort to stay in that mindset. And in some cases, the lack of motivation can stem from confidence issues or feeling overwhelmed and pressured to keep up with their peers.

The Unmotivated Student often:

  • Does not express concern over late or incomplete homework, projects, and other class requirements

  • Gives up on challenges easily

  • Seems uninterested in class activities

  • Does not ask questions, volunteer, or participate in group work

How Stemly Tutoring Helps The Unmotivated Student:

  • Providing context and real-life examples of complex ideas or concepts

  • Encourage engagement by incorporating the student’s interests into activities and lessons

  • Introduce effective problem-solving and study skills


5. The High Achiever

It surprises some people to know that The High Achiever would even want to have a tutor, to begin with. As someone who is already at the top of their class, The High Achiever will need to be constantly challenged or risk subject boredom, which could eventually lead to other issues. In some instances, a traditional classroom setting can’t always provide The High Achiever with the right amount of support, resources, and challenges they need to reach their full potential.

Signs That a Student is The High Achiever:

  • Excellent grades and impressive overall school performance

  • Finds classes boring or not challenging enough

  • Regularly seek out topics not taught in class

How Stemly Tutoring Helps The High Achiever:

  • Match the student’s pace when teaching new topics or materials

  • Introduce more advanced concepts that expand on previous learnings and require greater analysis and critical thinking

  • Teach topics or courses that the student is interested in but is not available in typical curriculums


6. The Homeschooled Learner

Homeschooling often comes with specific learning goals. Its structure and curriculum plans can be vastly different from traditional classrooms. While it prioritizes The Homeschooled Learner’s personal academic goals, interests, and learning style, there may be times when certain areas are left out because the student finds it too difficult or less interesting. This may cause some learning gaps for The Homeschooled Learner, especially when he or she decides to transition to a more conventional setting.

The Homeschooled Learner is:

  • Independent and comfortable working on their own

  • Interested in topics and pursues hobbies that may not be available in a traditional school setting

  • Flexible when it comes to managing their time and learning schedule

How Stemly Tutoring Helps The Homeschooled Learner:

  • Ensure that learning gaps are filled

  • Strengthen study skills and maintain a productive learning environment

  • Support special interest in certain academic areas that are not typically available to students

  • Provide flexible learning schedules

 Why Students Benefit from Virtual Math and Science Tutoring

 Stemly’s virtual tutoring services go beyond tackling every student’s course content. Our tutors make sure to strengthen and refine each student’s fundamental skills to aid them in future learning. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, we create a customized tutoring plan based on each student’s learning profile.

Our friendly, highly trained, and professional math and science tutoring experts are experienced in teaching students of all ages and skill levels and have extensive knowledge of local math and science curriculums.

Stemly’s math and science tutors provide Pre-Algebra tutoring, Algebra 1 tutoring, Algebra 2 tutoring, Geometry tutoring, Trigonometry tutoring, Pre-Calculus tutoring, Calculus 1 tutoring, Calculus 2 tutoring, Multivariable Calculus tutoring, Statistics tutoring, General Physics tutoring, Mechanics tutoring, Electricity & Magnetism tutoring, General Chemistry tutoring, Organic Chemistry tutoring, General Biology tutoring, and Biochemistry tutoring. We also offer AP math and science tutoring, including AP Calculus AB tutoring, AP Calculus BC tutoring, AP Physics 1 tutoring, AP Physics 2 tutoring, AP Physics C tutoring, AP Chemistry, and AP Biology tutoring.

Reach out to Stemly Tutoring today to learn more about how we can help!


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